To Disciple Entire Nations
“All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” ~ Matthew 25:32
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Our Ministries
Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman is the spearhead of the Messianic, Apostolic, Prophetic (MAP) Revolution movement restoring the original gospel as it came out of Israel 2000 years ago.
About Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman
Dominiquae has written many books and recorded several music albums to restore the Church to its original Apostolic Jewish foundations and to call the nations to repentance. Her books restore the true Gospel as it was preached by the Jewish apostles 2,000 years ago. The most well-known of them is The Healing Power of the Roots.
Latest Shabbat Letters
Watch Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman’s TV Program From Israel to the Nations
Archbishop Dominique Bierman is the founder and leader of the United Nations for Israel (UNIFY) based in St Augustine, Florida, and Jerusalem, Israel. From Israel to the Nations TV programs are taped during her Israel tours, the “Bible Schools on wheels”.

Zions Gospel Press
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Contact Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman
52 Tuscan Way, Ste 202-412, St Augustine, FL 32092